Tuesday, March 8, 2011
All Done
Eh blog,,How are you? Missing you so badly! If I'm at home, I'll update ma blog everysecond. Like I used to be so active on twitter :( Uia's connection is being so gay right now. I can't even visit triplets' blog. SIGH!
Anyway, I've done my usulfiqh's presentation just now. It was okay but not that great. Well, I wasn't really prepared cause I'm not feeling well right now.
I had a bad fever last week and now I'm having diarrhea. WTF! I think makcik kotor is the one who made me have diarrhea. I over heard everybody complaining about her but because of the stubbornness, I still went to buy Maggie Kari at her stall last night -.-"
I didn't have the mood to eat lately. Actually I didn't know what else to eat sebab tak banyak choice la kat Uia ni :( I miss home! I want satay :'(
Now I'm at ye library waiting for fizA to finish her class and whether I have to jaga POSSA's AGD or not. On second thought, I don't want to go to the AGD cause I felt so left out and unwanted (*(oo)*)
Aahh! Wadehel! Now spending some quality times with the books. Awh! LOVELY! :DD

I wanted to use this photocopy machine but today it's not functioning. Bangang betol! -______-
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