Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Al fatihah to Piqa's Mother.

Bila dah tido bukan sejam, bukan dua jam, bukan tiga jam tapi tujuh jam di siang hari, malam malam camni memang payah la nak tido kan. Pelik pelik mata ni tetiba nak jadi burung hantu pulak last last ramadhan ni. Nak kata iolls qiamulai. Idok la jugak. Heh. Dasar pemalaih!

While downloading songs for balik raya nanti, I pun bukak facebook jap. Then suddenly nampak post kat blog piqa, shared kat Facebook. She wrote about her late mother. Monday, August 6 2012. Mak dia passed away.

So I went to visit kat Kampung Padang Balang, Gombak with Teqa and Enani. Thought of going alone but then takot lost with no direction pulak nanti kan. Immediately texted Teqa and she said she'll fetch me at my sister's house. Pastu pegi visit sampai ke kebur.

Sedih. Sangat sedih. Mula mula bagi nasihat kat Teqa, "we shouldn't cry. Kena strong at least in front of Piqa." Tup tup nangis kat situ baq hang! Looking at her dad, her lil brothers, she herself. Memang tak tahan. Dan Dan tu gak teriakk. Sedih sampai rasa nak tido situ and teman piqa. Apa kan daya. Piqa kena kuat. We all know piqa memang kuat but deep inside she doesn't really that strong.

Eventhough we're not that close. But apa aku boleh tolong as a friend, I'll help. InsyaAllah.

Alfatihah to her late mother. Anything, boleh baca her blog:
Nak letak direct link tak pandai. Buta IT sikit la ni. Mohon copy paste je la kay.

Before this I don't even know yang her mother sakit. Tak tahu pun meninggal ni puncanya apa. Nasib baik tak tanya banyak because kena paham her condition kan. Bila baca her blog macam kalau tanya itu ini, kesian dia.
Be strong my dear friend! We love you!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Merry Go Round

Pusing pusing macam gasing. Yesterday I went to Shah Alam with Jihan and Hani. Mula mula memang plan nak pegi Shah Alam je. But then, change of plan sikit cause I need to pick up my choc chip cookies that I've ordered from Munirah (tripletsplusone's mom)

The journey started from Gombak to Ampang - Petaling Jaya - Shah Alam - Kerinchi/Bangsar - Ampang - Gombak. Fuhhhh such a looooong day to me! Kalau I ni baby, I dah nangis sekuat hati because it's more than exhausted, panas, yet it's fun :D

We buka puasa at Seoul Garden Plaza Pantai. Jihan called for a reservation around 3pm camtu. Guess what! Dua Seoul Garden dah fully booked. Wow! We're soo surprised! Lesson learned: If want to make a reservation, better book early. Like pagi ke. Last last dapat tempat at Plaza Pantai. Phew!

Little did I know that Seoul Garden ada indoor and outdoor. Indoor tu normal. But outdoor? That's pretty rare man! ;)
Plus, diorang takda promotion during ramadhan pun. Just like Johnny's. Loser betol -_-

Enjoy the view people. Outdoor pun ain't that bad weh! :D

Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerryยฎ smartphone

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Berbuka with the Sister's Friends

Another day buka puasa ramai ramai. Me love! โ˜บ There were my 2 sisters, BIL, Kar, Zainul, Chet, Syara and their cute son, Qaleef!

It's my first time meeting Qaleef! Ya Allah this boy kan!!!! Memang geram gilaaa!!! Comel to the max! Rase nak picit picit tumbuk tumbuk je pipi dia! ๐Ÿ˜œ

We went to Sukhumvit Restaurant kat Jalan Hamzah area Kampung Baru. The environment very the tip top I tell ya! Service isn't that bad. Cause I think it's ramadhan so the staff prepared the food early and from what I see, most of the people there ordered lebih kurang je menu dia. That's why tak nampak service teruk or what kan.

If korang rasa korang nak chillax ramai ramai, better book earlier cause orang ramai gila! Full house you! But still comfortable la. Not bad.

The food? Oh yes of course. Food sangat ok. Ikan-I-don't-really-know-the-name masak 3 rasa is the bomb. Or maybe I memang gila kat masakan 3 rasa? Nah. Don't think so. Memang sedap. The tom yam is to die for! Serious. No kidding ๐Ÿ‘Œ Daging goreng tak berapa. Liat sikit ๐Ÿ‘Ž Kerabu and ikan masak stim limau memang delishioussss I tell ya! ๐Ÿ‘
Price tak ambek tau sangat cause I was busy playing with Qaleef :) But I think around RM25 per person. Kitorang ada 8 orang. You do the math la! ;)

Gambar food sikda. Lapar. So tak take any pictures :P But I did curi from both sisters' instagram.

P/S: Parking paling teruk in the world!

Meet Qaleef, the pipi really melts the hardest heart ok! ๐Ÿ‘Š

Oh last sekali tu pegi Ampang Park. Yang tu, I recommend beli kuih from kedai Jejari. Sedap gils! But a lil bit pricey and taknak bagi kurang. Tapi memang every year pun my sisters beli situ. Hehe.

Less than one week lagi nak raya. Nervous kan! Happy shopping y'all! ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘™๐Ÿ‘Ÿ๐Ÿ‘ก๐Ÿ‘—๐Ÿ‘•๐Ÿ‘œ

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Buka Puasa Gathering Part 2

Title ye ye aje part 2. Part 1 tak pernah diblogkan tapi ada. Same crowd, more laughters and new friends! ;)

Yesterday I went to Syak's house. Every year ada cam TNG gathering. Eh wait, I don't think every year. Last time was in 2009 if I'm not mistaken. Time tu Lya, Hanis, Izzul semua ada. This time takde Lya. But same people were there.

I knew these awesome people since I was in form 3. Dulu kan zaman chatting kan? So iolls ni pun terjebak la with those chatting thing. God! Good old days siot! :') Everytime balik sekolah nak siapkan all the homework ASAP cause at night boleh study online. Pastu tido lambat, gelak gelak, talking to myself semua. Huh. No wonder sekarang tak berapa bijak, zaman dulu bukan nak study! -_-

TNG stands for The Newcastle Gang. Apa? Newcastle? I stayed in Newcastle when I was small? Alaaa percaye please! Hehe. The boys and the girls dulu duduk Newcastle. So Malays kat obersea ni cam very the minority and very the close. So itu la diorang. They've been friends since kecik kot. So si tak malu from Malaysia ni duk stalk la profile diorang, effort nak berkawan jugak. Dengan adanya MSN, Friendster, and MySpace, pooof! We've became friends. Thanks a lot Friendster, MySpace and MSN especially. I wuv chiu! :*

Dengan itu, adalah gathering once in awhile during ramadhan and raya. But raya I tak join sangat. Iolls busy gitu ;)

2009's picture I was at the back. Very anti social! Cause it was my first time jumpa diorang. Shy la! Haa kan dah sesat jalan! Malu bertanya sangat!

2012 ni, duduk depan sikit. Learn from mistakes kan. Duduk belakang tak dapat highlight sangat. So, conquer la depan. Amacam? Baru cam nampak important sikit kan :) Pastu, banyak borak sikit, dah tak malu dah. Make yourself at home kan? That's what I did :)

Ada berkenan? Forget it! Semua dah berpunya! Except iolls la. Hihi :">