Monday, March 14, 2011
A Time for Myself
Eh blog,,Last Thursday I had a time for myself. Wheee! :D I went to watch Beastly at klcc all by maself. Thought of asking yaKk to accompany me but then he didn't want to cause he said "kau ajak aku dating la ni?"
Hmm malas la kalau ajak tengok muvie je pun dah kira dating kan. Zzzz! -.-"
Oh and I had a blast weekend spending with my sister. I just love it! :) me and haNi went to watch Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa. Cool innit? Have you guys watched it? You hafta watch that muvie. Seriously. Even it's not that good. Somehow, it's a good attempt I tell ya :)
So yeah, haNi paid everysinglething that day. As usual bak kata diorang. Hehe. Sometimes kesian jugak kat haNi and dIna sebab everytime keluar mesti diorang bayar. Well, I'm still a student who doesn't even know how to manage the duit. Sorry guys. But I promise once I got a job, I'll pay everything back. InshaAllah :)

I'm CRAVING for THIS!!! potato and sausage at econs' cafe. Nyums! :)
An now I'm in the class updating my blog. Haha. Gotta get ready to tahan mengantuk in a few mins. Sigh!

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