Eh blog,,
Dah habis dah kisah raya. Sekarang dah back to reality. Dah start busy. Dah start stress. Dah start everything.
Now I'm at home. Balik weekend je. Pasal gamelan class tak start lagi. Kalau dah start first second week ni, haruslah I mengamuk okay!
Malas la nak cite panjang. College life, biasa je la kan.
Tapi cuma nak cite sikit, haritu second day of Dr. Wahabbudin's class, aku and half of the class kena halau keluar class. Malu okay! -___- He's so strict liddat! Kitorang takda article pasal Mesolithic, Neolithic tu je. Mula la si yOng tu nak nangis kan! Akak sorang tu memang, pantang kena marah sikit, mula la bergenang ayaq mataq. Tacing habis dah tu.
Satgi tengok ramai je keluar sama. Tapi aku, Irma, yOng and this girl (couldn't recall her name) keluar pegi photocopy sampai class habis. Yang lain balik class. Ni akak yang photocopy tu la lambat sangat! -___-
The next class everybody started to read the article. So malas actually nak prepare everytime pegi class dia! :(
Nah! Layan sikit gambar time kat Uia haritu :))

So, ni la Uia! For those who haven't even jejakkan kaki ke Uia tu kan. Thus is how it looks inside ;)

Yang ni lelaki berkepala kotak! Ada KAED fest time tu. Pastu biasa la budak 'KAED' kan, bangga la dengan diri sendiri, course sendiri. Tak caye? Haa datang sendiri tengok!

Punca jalan around Uia jam! Ni laa dia puncanyaa :P
Enough with first week at Uia, later we cite pasal #twtupraya kay! ;)
This post is dedicated to AmerFX! Bravo!
Why? Cause he's my loyal visitor. I don't have any other visitors like Amer. I'm so thankful he still remember me evethough I don't have time to visit his blog :(
Selamat Hari Raya Mer!Kemain tau busy beraya sampai tak sempat nak ambek gambar raya bebanyak. Retiss habis! :P

Nah! Muahhh sikit kat kau. Hiks! :}

Eh blog,,
Raya holiday is almost over. I is sad :(( next week I'm going back to Uia. Dina & Hani going back to KL tomorrow. Smorang dah balik. Kampung jadi senyap. Senyap macam KL time first day of raya macam tu :P
Oh by the way, gegambar tu nak bgtau yang haritu smorang ingat aku bagi virus kat diorang. Facebook kan. Virus dia macam seguni dah aku rasa. One of the ways to spread out the virus is through facebook chatting.
So one day when I went online guna ipod, ingat nak chatting la. Tapi malu jugak tetiba nak tegur kan. I came out with this idea. I typed 'hi. How r u?' and 'hi. Wanna laugh?' Ni virus paling famous. So, THESE are what happened. Elyas' response is so cute!!! Hahahaha. Apis sangat la lurus -______- I did kacau Syera tapi tak sempat nak print screen. ƗƗɐƗƗɐƗƗɐ. It was fun though.
Aku gelak sensorang. Sampai now diorang still tak tau yang that was me sebenarnya!! Hahaha :P
P/S: Do not try this at home! It's annoying :P
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Raya kat rumah. Mak tak join pasal kemas dapur. Biasala tu kan kalau raya we all je yang sakan bergambar. Hehehe :)

Jump jump jump! Camwhoring dengan kekazen on bapak's side. Kalau nak gambar kekazen on mak's side memang non hado! Kalau with bapak's side lagi gegila. Tapi time ni Ghaz & family tak balik lagi. So takda la gambar with Akeem! :(

Haa takkan la kita je datang rumah dia. Haruslah diorang pun datang rumah kita. Nama pun raya. Kan. Tapi idok la nak memaksa. Hehe.
I don't like this picture pasal kau tengok la muka aku. Serious la gems! Dah la dah memang gems! Now double the chin, the perut, everything is double la kiranya! I is sad (T ^ T)

Yang ni smorang tak puas hati. Tengok la diorang dah control cun and ayu. Aku duk nak sakat orang sebelah. Mana tak diorang marah. Aku suka gambar ni pasal aku nampak tinggi. Eh. Ke tak? -___-
Aik takkan gambar reramai je ada. Mana gambar aku sorang? Haruslah lagi aummm kan! ;)
Taadaaaaaa!!! Bagi ada api api sikit. Baru mengancam. Hiks! :P

How's your raya? (common question) Letak la gambar raya korang bebanyak kat blog. I wanna see! I bet korang punya raya lagi ohsem! Hehe.
Tapi kan tapi kan. Aku tak sempat nak blog walking tau. Ampun maaf dipinta di hari-hari hari raya kay.
Once I got the time, I'll go through your blog(s). Pwomishh! :)