Saturday, July 16, 2011
How to Cook when You Don't Know How to Cook?
Hai. Buat apa tu? Confirm tengah tengok Malaysia KALAH lawan Liverpool yang awesome tu kan? Ekekeke :PBoring betul cecuti tak buat apa ni kan. But so far, my last weekend was more awesome than this weekend. Tapi bersyukur la dapat spend time dengan family. Kalau kerja, confirm penat and no time with ze familia. Ye dak?
Frying pan that I bought last 2 weeks dah bawak balik muar! Whippie! Dah siap dah bukak all the websites pasal recipes yang quick and easy. Tapi diorang punya easy level dah macam genius punya. Serious aku tak tau where to start. Ingredients dia pun tak penah dengar :-/
Bapak duk perli pan aku. Dia cakap ni masak tongkeng ayam pun tak muat. Tak bagi semangat langsung -_-"
So today
If anyone ada uncooked recipe bagitau la ye. Pasal tak reti nak pasang api or oven. Hehehehe :P

Wohhh.. Tak pandai masak? Ish3...
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