Hi. Welcome back! Hihiks.
Lapar tak lapar tak tengok gegambar makanan ni? LAPAR sangat kan!
Lagi few days je nak puasa. Mesti korang sexcited kan? #EhSamaLah! (˛•̃ •̃)/\(•̃ •̃¸)
Tapi aku takut sikit nak start puasa. Takot perut meragam. Kang mula la siang hari bad mood sampai ke malam (˘﹏˘'')
Haa. Ni bila dah kat Muar ni. Mula la teringat food that can't be found in Muar. Kalau kat KL. Sebuk craving for food that can't be found in KL. #OverTau! Eh harus laa! #flipshair!
Nak macaroons. Nak red velvet cake. Nak tutti frutti. Eh mengadalah aku ni. Kalau cakap dengan bapak, confirm dia reply "wah! Selera bukan main besar lagi. Bapak kat rumah makan biscuit jacob je."
Haa mula la tu nak buat orang kesian. Kang orang dah kesian, dia jual mahal. Bebuat macho (˘_˘")
Okay. Back to the topic. Ni mana nak carik semua ni kat Muar? Confirm la non hadoo! (⌣_⌣) Kena tunggu balik KL la gamaknya (⌣́_⌣̀")
Tapi just now I buat survey pasal macaroons yang boleh hantar sampai ke Muar. Rasanya CikMin boleh kot. So nanti 20/7 baru nak start tanya. Wiihuu Wiihuu! \(♥-̮♥)/
Now I gotta hit the bed. 5am already loh.
Selamat beramal korang. Sorry for the wrong doings by the way ;)
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Hai. Buat apa tu? Confirm tengah tengok Malaysia
KALAH lawan Liverpool yang awesome tu kan? Ekekeke :P
Boring betul cecuti tak buat apa ni kan. But so far, my last weekend was more awesome than this weekend. Tapi bersyukur la dapat spend time dengan family. Kalau kerja, confirm penat and no time with ze familia. Ye dak?
Frying pan that I bought last 2 weeks dah bawak balik muar! Whippie! Dah siap dah bukak all the websites pasal recipes yang quick and easy. Tapi diorang punya easy level dah macam genius punya. Serious aku tak tau where to start. Ingredients dia pun tak penah dengar :-/
Bapak duk perli pan aku. Dia cakap ni masak tongkeng ayam pun tak muat. Tak bagi semangat langsung -_-"
So today
tolong tengok mak masak nasik goreng. Idok lerr saya nak nolong. Nak datang dekat macam seram pasal api tu cam panas sangat je :B
If anyone ada uncooked recipe bagitau la ye. Pasal tak reti nak pasang api or oven. Hehehehe :P


Nah! Cer teka ni apa? Kalau betol aku bagi buah derian yang belum kopek, korang kopekkan. Hehe
Now tengah demam durian.

Eh blog,,
Me and family went to Port anak lelaki Dick. Hahaha. Fikir sendiri :P Last Sunday pegi. Ze sisters and ze mother MC on Monday and Tuesday.
But I think it's not exactly kat Port Dickson. Kat seremban batu 2 ke lukut. Not sure. Tapi bukan kat bandar. Near to Giant Port Dickson je. The Legend International Water Homes.
Best! Double ze best! Awesomeness! Ada private swimming pool. Tu paling syok. So I don't need to go to their public pool and sedih cause tak boleh berendam pakai baju biasa.
Dengan adanya private pool, nak je aku tido pun dalam tu. Haha. I is so jakun man! :P
Went there for 1 night je tapi syok. I bet ramai dah try this hotel pasal last night I baca blog Adnan, Akmal and Amjah's mom, diorang balik Malaysia pegi situ.
The room pun very ze spacious. Toilet and tempat shower jauh sikit. So macam seram if I wanna go pee after midnight :B
Esok la upload the pictures. Now is so malas to on the laptop and wait for the pictures to load (¬_¬)
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Cube tengok siapa yang request aku balik! Cube laa tengok and tenung lelama please! Hahaha
THANKS la huzeyy follow Nurin balik. Dulu sebok buat account twitter baru pastu sakan lah kita follow dia. Once kita follow, tak pulak nak menegur. Rupanya dia tak follow aku :((
Kalau nak harapkan aku tegur, memang boleh, tapi confirm la dia tak dapat baca pasal aku private account aku.
Pastu ni dah berzaman baru nak follow. Padan la before ni I gedik nak mention dia tapi dia tak reply. Marahnya (padahal frust orang tak follow kita balik) sayaaaa!! ƪ("╰ _ ╯ )ʃ Ekekeke :P
Oh hai blog,,
Long time no see! :) Will be properly updating you once I sampai rumah kay! Loves! (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)
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