Eii Blog ,,26th February :

Happy 21st Birthday Hafizullah
27th February :
Happy 21st Birthday Nadhirah !Love you lotssss((:28th February

* Happy 21st Birthday Asna Ashraff
* Happy 18th Birthday Hamim
.............................. Anyway ..............................
Yesterday was the most enjoyable day to meThis is because friends celebrated my birthday (last years' birthday), Nadhirah, Zulhelmi and hafizullah's birthdayUnfortunately, hafizullah could not come without any reason ):At first I didn't want to come because I wanted to complete IR assignmentBut when Fazreena had become angry and has mengantoikan everything to Nadhirah,Nadhirah forced me to just follow her cause kesian lah for those people who have prepared everything for us kan :')When we arrived HS cafe, there was only Fazreena, Hafizah, Shawal, Dzul Fadhli and ZulhilmiThen Arina and Akmal (our new friend) camehmm it was quite joyful but meng-upset-kan sebab no more other friends gathered together ):Thanks for everything you guys
Hearts you guys like forever !:-*Goodbye.
Hello Blog ,,
Nurin is in need of this cameraPlease oh please :DDD
Anyway ,I always wanted to update my blog everyday but as I have IR second-quiz tomorrow ,I'm able to write short entry jek
Tangan aku dah gatal nak usha all the websites pasal cameras
Tapi tak pernah taw whether it's Lomo or what kan =S
Guess I need to find friends that are into cameras and hopefully they can share their knowledge of cameras .Wheeeee

This Fall Out Boy hottie is sure catches my attention !(:
Hello Blog ,,
Loooooookkkkk Loooooookkkkk !!
Tough guy on earth
He's cute .Don't you think so ?
Kikikikikikiki :DDD
I'm officially love this guy .Hihik :">
I'll set him as a wallpaper for my lappy for sure ((x
Eh I was looking for
Adobe Photoshop CS2 punya
serial number lah
Does anyone know the serial for that software ?
I've finished downloading Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
Tapi I just realized that I Need to have Photoshop CS4
DARN !Now I need to download that software which it's hard to find or google it
This website ade link to download photoshop cs4
but then I tataw nak install that software sebab ianya portable
What The F !Buta IT habes !):
Esuk I'm going back to UIA already
That's sad .Totally
Rase nak demam jek sekarang ):
Today I have
no mood to talk
am not angry at anyone
I just do not have mood to talk
I thought after the holidays, I can get a rest after all exams have
finishedBut lain plak jadik
Tension aku because I don't have photoshop and
Asna ashraff wants the ticket as soon as possible
Azizan couldn't help me as he was very busy ):
And when I want to download
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended di
music-sdrkamil , Mediafire could not be opened
It's like UIA has
blocked that website
This is a very
cruel because Mediafire is important to download things
In conclusion, I am very angry with the UIA although wireless can continue through to my room
But it does not provide any facility directly
Because UIA punya wireless is super duper SLOW ! X-(
I just do not know how to siapkan the tickets =S