I miss home !)=
Unfortunately ,,i cant go back this weekend .
I have exams ,assignments ,presentations and stuff to be done before cuti starts )'=
I wanna go for shoe shopping .havent got anythg yet
Hani bought 3shoes just in 2days ?!grr
I'm out to klcc or t.square or pavilion next week .wheehoo ;DD
Gdnight .
I just got back from dinner over at BBQ Chicken Setiawangsa .I've canceled all my plans .It is because i'm busy with stuff like exams ,quizzes and assignments .Ugh !Stress teramat !X-(JuscoKlccPavilionT.SqDomino'sI ended up going to BBQ Chicken with my girls and the guys .It was supposed to be just us ,Me ,fazreena ,fza ,mya ,nad ,zetyy ,fye ,shawal ,payie and helmiAll of the sudden ,ada Zakariya and Ashraff yang tak di undang tu !Sengal gila weyh !X-(Hm .Nvm then .What did I buy ?Oh just a bottle of perfume from Body Shop and Starbux caramel coffee .Delicious weh !But all i wanted from starbux is that plain caramel .Ya'know ,yang pure caramel tu ?Man ,I so oh failed in explaining things .hahah :P:PMya's car was like super duper sempit .hahaaAku and Mya jugak bebas (:And setibanya di UIA ,aku jadi hyperI hello to all the people and yeah thats allThen fazreena got all mad at me .haha sorry babe :PSo yea ,that's it I'm looking forward to have dinner with Aleen ,Natasha Aida ,Syakirah ,Tasnim ,Hamim ,and others but i'm not really sure when is it .I meant the exact date because we are busy with collegue ):Let's everybody off the lights ,jump on the bed ,pull the blanket ,blink 3times and sleep (=
Hm .It's our 4th day of Ramadhan .I missed home already :(
At home ,i can have rice and lauk for sahur .
But here ,I have biscuits and bread for sahur
I wonder what can i have for sahur this weekend ?Because i might bersahur at dina's house .
They don't sahur kan ? Hehe
First day puasa di uia ,makan "ayam percit" yang not so tasty but the sauce is awesome !:DDDThen ,berbuka with mya ,zetyyy ,fye and redha di Leha Kel Food .Ikan Bakar is so yummy okay ((:
What's next ??Somebody please bring me to "kacip fatimah" restaurant .I'm so oh craving for that karipap besar :(
Anyway ,tomorrow am gonna have presentation for CCTMan ,i dont even know what to presentI mean ,what's the main point of my presentation ?I couldnt understand any of it after reading the notes like for what ?50times ?What happen to me ?!
Guess my mind is not here .I thought of going home for raya dah .man man man =S
Just so you know ,this is FaizalTahir .Look at his tummy .I think he's getting fat ,isn't he ?Hahah nahh ,buncit a lil bit but still look awesome !(((((:Ily :-*