hello again. its been awhile. i missed you. we finally meet once again. and my days are usually ordinary and typical. but whenever we meet, im the happiest i can be. i miss you muar. i miss my school mates. i miss you so so much i dont know why. i have a million reasons to leave this place and go back to you but i cant. but when i do every weekend, my heart smiles. oh you.
mahnn ,i'm so bored today like fucking damn shiat !!
tidur for the whole day .of course lah after fardu ain class kan =S
i'm so pissed off with my fardu ain punya ustazah .
she lost hafazan punya list and i have to memorize another 6doa which is actually NOT !
i supposely finished all the surah and doa today yo but that ustazah is making me mad !
menyampah aku yo !dah kena hafal 6 lagi doa .cisss X-(
aku wireless di cafe mahallah safiyyah yaw
gila best which i
DO NOT have to pay kat cc tu kan :(
then i'm downloading this cerita bunga berlakon yo :))
aku nampak gamba maryam ,shafy ,yana and shazwa(idk who) berbuka di loft kot .
wow nampak serunuk .hehe ;pp
having fun ey you guyss ?;DD
anyway ,i'm going to mid valley with ida and iefa tomorrow
best juga but how am i supposed to skip this pgg thingy yeah ?
what reason should aku create ?HAHA
or should i say i have a really fucking bad period pain ?
ahaaaa good idea yo !;DD
i've downloaded new software so-called photoscape .
nunu recommended kat aku waahh :))
so i editted few pics and it goes like this , the hasil :

and and i'm satisfied with it !:DD
Happy Birthday emakkku !!!:DDomigod ,your getting TUA mahnnn !hahamaintain muda lah kan ?;ppanyway ,,have a blast !take care always !i lavyah ,kamu tahu itu kan ?:))*smooches*
Let conversations do the talking yawA: gy lah mandi syidon, mana tak sakit kepala.
S: tanakk malaaasss ,sejukk
A: kak as tgk bulan puasa ni tak pnah mandi malam ek syidon
**what the hella fire !!!!!!O_o Busuk lah mangkukk !!no wonder lah there’s a fly tadi .geez .busuk sial minah ni ...yuuuccckksss !!!!X-(N: eyy kau tak tgk fiza gamba nunu mase kecik .cumel gila weyy
F: elleh ,kau tak tgk lagi aku mase kecik .lagi cumel .so ,kau tak buleh bwat kesimpulan yang nunu lagi cumel .
N: tp kau kene tgk nurin time kecik
F: ahhh tade tade !kau tgk gamba aku time kecik dulu
**my goodness !!tak buleh kah kau beralah ?kate kan jek lah nurin mmg cumel time kecik tp bukan skang :(M: ape class kite yang same dgn dorg ?
S: banyak kot yang kite same dgn dorg ,3 class
M: alaaa mesti ke sama ngan nurin ?*bwat muka*
Aku: fine !tanak same dah lahh kan
**i’m being too emotional sampai aku bwat conclusion yang si M tak suke aku and i’ll let fye know bout that .sedih wooo si M mmg kejam !!!:”(Aku: bak sini fon sister ,aku nk tgk sumthang
Y: nahh ,hampa nak delete gamba tadi ka ?
Aku: a’a ,cmna nak delete ni ?
Y: japp ,biar kami transfer kef on kami dulu
Aku: alaaa mane bulehhhh ,,
Y: tapi ade gamba kamii ..haaaaaa ,,gamba nurin bontot ja HAHA ~~
Aku: hmm fine !
**okay ,now i realize that maken hari maken ramai tak suka aku .THANKS YOUUU GUYSSSS for everything .thank youuu very much !:(
Holiday yo !there’s no class today ,cuti nuzul quran wah !hoooreyh !!:DD
People ,should i lend my laptop to others or should i not ?hmmm =S
This thing happened few days lalu where one of my roommates wanted to borrow my laptop .it goes like this :
S, awak guna laptop tak ?saye nak pinjam nak bwat assignment bm ni.S:
ade ,tp saye tgh charge ,nak guna untuk esok ,penting ni *yawn*Aku:
*omigod !omigod !jangan lahh die mintak aku ,ya allah please =S*L:
alaaaa kak A ade tak ?kak A !!!*shouting* nak pinjam laptop boleh ?A:
kami nak bwat sumthing ni ,hampa nak guna watpa ?Aku:
*sialan !!mesti aku jadik mangse !!!:((*L:
alaa sape lagi ek ade laptop ,,haaa nurin ....akak nak pinjam laptop kejap buleh ?nk wat assgn bm niAku:
hmmmmmmm *bengang yang amat sangat* buleh ,*as i open my locker to take my liptup,she straight away looking at my thangs dlm locker* err ,tepi sikit buleh ?L:
ok ,wahhh byknya barang nurin ,eyyy tu ape tu ??Aku:
*serious sebok shial minah ni* nah ni laptopAaaaahhh panjang lagi lahh kan ,i’m not in the mood to type because aku super bengang with what had happened .bengang weyyyyyyyyyyy ,kalau kau close ngan aku lain ahh kan ,buleh consider lagi .urgh !what the heckkk !!!
I’m doing nothing today ,syira has finished reading my novel and i can’t wait to finish it pulakk ,,whheee ~~~:DD
I thought of going to JJ today but no one wants to teman aku .mahnn ,tak jadik lah nampaknya ;((
I just wanna buy
SPICY McSHAKER Fries ni .sedap woooo =]]
Can’t wait to go back home !
*sigh* homesick yaw !!!=[[[
eyt ,i miss my kakak-kakak !!:DDfye :i need this thing so called woman-to-woman talk !;ppfatin :i wanna go out with you ,you got that hm ?!fizah :i think sister has to brainwash you for the second time ?HEHEida :i rinduuu same bilik dengan youuu :((naz :doncha like missing me or smthang ?=Smya :hey ,i think i wanna kidnap your emily lahh !:))nana :feel free to go out with me ?HAHAeen :omigod !you bloody idiot !you totally forgot bout me eyh ?:"(ali :
mahnn ,your such a cutie !gdbye my lavh !=]]
Haluuu blog ,,i miss you frigging much okayh ?you know what ,i think now I'm what you call bonding with reading stuff lah like FOR REAL yo !;DJust now i spent about rm100++ untuk story books or novels or whatever they call it uh .HUREYH !!:))I’m satisfied with it am i ?yeah i guess so because what else can i buy ,you tell me !=SI bought Remember me ? by Sophie Kin Sella and ain’t she sweet by susan Elizabeth Philips .i’m not sure whether it’s a good story or not but i found it interesting which i can’t wait to finish them all weyyy =]]Went out with fye untuk berbuka di burger king ,klcc around 6pm and i was not in the mood because this “senior” takot-takot kan aku tak sempat nk sampai sana before berbuka kan and fye ape lagi ,mengamuk lahh .well ,,you know lah die ,,salah die pun die makes people feel guilty as if IT IS our fault lah kan ?which of course NOT my fault !HER fault !she’s the one asked me to go out with his so called another-new-boyfriend eyy ?aku bet she’ll mengamuk again and gonna say “takpe lah nurin ,,lepas ni aku ajak fizah jek kluar ngan aku .kau marah-marah mcm ni aku tak sukalah ..” kalau she baca this post lah kan ;PPYou know what fye ,i think we both are wayyyyyyy too berlainan to be bestfriend or whtever !i don’t think we can bertahan with each other .sometimes it’s difficult to me to layan you .seems like you’re the same with the “gang-gang exclusive” tu kan plus ,mya .eventhough you always say YOU’RE NOT and you DENY it all the time but itu instinct lah beb !!=SLet’s differentiate between me and fye kan or mungkin FYE versus NURIN ?mahnn ,for sure lah that lil girl menang kan ?:((Things she ada and i don’t !=[• She’s pretty and obviously i’m NOT !• She’s hot and i’m totally NOT !• Shessa skinny melon and imma fat brat !• She has lotsa boyfriends and i DO NOT have any• She’s friendly and i’m PENDIAM ?• She knows how to communicate with people which i don’t have that ability• She’s good in English which i’m fucking NOT• Any baju fits her but me ,, i can’t fit a belt pun which SOB-SOB• She has that confidence and mine is totally ZERO• Everyone knows her but when it comes to me ,,me myself know people and they DON’T know me ogeyhhhh• She’s such a Richie rich and what do i have ?NADAAA ,,NOTHING yo !• She’s so into brand but me ,i don’t go for brands• She knows everything .Nurin got nuthin .nuthin is in her otak ,BUDUH !• She knows how to treat people like if the exclusive punya type cmna nak layan kan and for me ?i just don’t know how to treat them and how to be their friends• Everybody likes her but when it comes to nurin ,everybody HATES her• It can be concluded that she’s PERFECT and i’m such a loser !(like ppl always say to me “whateverMAJORloser”)Ppl ,actually i dun really mind what do you guys think of me but i just want you to respect me as your friend lahhh ,,ambek lahh hati aku because serious aku cakap ,,aku dah TERAMAT SANGAT penat nak ambek hati org but those ppl yg aku ambek hati tu tak pernah nk appreciate .they even marah aku sbb x appreciate mereka .HELLO !!!tolong lahhh ,,pleaseeeeeeeeeTHINK BEFORE YOU SAY !once you bwat aku cmtu ,i’ll revenge weyyy !try me !That’s all folks !and to my family ,,imissyouuuguyssssooooomuchyymuch .this iium is just NOT ME !Elite students lah ramai sini ,,aku pun naik pening and TERinfluence with them .URGH !!!pissed off !Anyway ,to those yang TERbaca ini blogggg ,puhlezz don’t get mad and kecik hati because it’s my blog !i can say whatever i want !HEH :)And untuk fye ,you know i love you and always rinduuu kau ,no need to mention because you know aku tak biasa begitu dengan kau .kena la control macho weyy :PPAnd jangan mention ape2 pasal blog aku depan aku because SERIOUSLY I HATE IT !it’s my privacy !So let’s just keep these to yourself lah kan ,thankyouuu very much !Ciao ~
mahnnn ,,aku tgh hot gila ni !!!!myspace kebangangan and kesialan gilabenci betul akubaru nak usha arshad ahmad !HAHA :ppohh i just wanna say that i miss my old friends :(((so badly !!!!!i miss ridh ,hazy ,faz ,syakirah ,lya ,ben ,mira ,fathin ,aleen ,apez ,ayie ,fahmie ,amie ,ana ,etcomigod !i just cant believe i miss them so friggin much lahh kan which i cant handle it lagik !HAHAguys guys ,do you still remember me ekkk ?let's just meet up and and cmtu ahhhhahahahasial aku rindu chat ngan dorg beb sampai dorg dh balik msia lah kanevetho kite tak pernah jumpa kan ,,aku rindu beb kat korg !!!!i just wanna let you guys know !!!:(((i mean like ,duncha like miss me jugak ?hhehheheheyeahh rite ,ppl change .the world's changed and their life's pun changed ?!my goodness ,aku cm for agessssss dah tak dgr pasal korg .hahahaahahahai admit lahh uk peeps at that time cam best gila weyyyy
mereka gila babi punya friendly kan ?
but where are you guys now bila dah balik msia ?!
aku lost contact tros sama korg .sedih betul aku kan :(
yeah i'm looking forward to meet you guys
since i dah old enuff kan and dah blaja di tmpt lain which aku x brape nk so-called terkongkong kan
AKU MAW JUMPA KORANG !enuff said ,fullstop !:)
if you guys read this ,just wanna let you knw that
i miss youuu guysss ,i REALLY do okeyh !:'(
Happy Fasting People !!!:DD
cant wait for raya kan ?hehe :P
and now i'm busy with my assignments .gila menyampahhh X-(
girlfriends and boyfriends ,imissyouuuguysss okayh ?!:(
ciao ~