Sunday, August 3, 2008
Move it move it like i wanna it moved !!:DD
haa ini this guy aku jumpa di cac beb !
thathathat guyyyy ,i loike !!;DD
he's a friend of ariffin's i think because he sat next to ariffin and talked a lot which aku and fye were like "omigod !gila talkative kannnnnnn"
hey lil kiddie ,,your such a cutie ,,you got that ?:D
grrrrrr =P

and this gambar i found dlm flickr jihan kut .
antahh ku tak ingat bahhhhh =PP
i wanna upload some more photos but this stupid connection is so GAYYY which is sgt idiot beb !!X-(
i missed this moment laaaa
flying fox ,me LOVE !;DD
i've just finished this one programme so called BiroTataNegara kot
shilan punya buring and aku amat rushing today to meet my aunties and cousins
fucker damn shit !!!!ku kena marah sama atu aunties and cousins-ku :"(
nadaa apa lahh kan because ku dapat makan satayyy [=
i miss itu yanaa gunjeng !
but she didnt believe it ..
she said aku tipu
i was like "HELLO CASTELLOOOOOOOO !!aku rindu kau betulll ahhh ,,budduh muuu !!:(("
Yanaa doesn't rock the bontot maahhnnn,,booo !:D
imissyouuuuuu yanaaa gunjengggg but we never talk face-2-face kan
that's weird !TOTALLY weird !but I DON'T CARE !as long as i can miss you ,,ENOUGH then !heh heh .
i wanna meet itu dahlia tomorrow as if she lepak at hs cafe lagi lahh kan
hope sooo
i wanna say "Hi Bitch !Remembaahhh meehh ??;DD"
there's no bm class tomorrow which is YAYYYYY
i wanna go shopping but adoiyaiiii ku punya quiz on tuesday
wtfuck weyyy ,,supposed to be bulan september but my lecturer is so kejam
he wanna do it this tuesday jugakk X-(
and ohhhhh before i lupaaa

happy burpdayy budakkk !may all your wishes will come true !gdluck and take care always !have a blast one uhhhh !p/s :imissyouuuuuuuuu :)
**sorry i stole your picture from myspace ,,ilikethispicture bahhh ;))
ciao ~~

happy burpdayy budakkk !may all your wishes will come true !gdluck and take care always !have a blast one uhhhh !p/s :imissyouuuuuuuuu :)
**sorry i stole your picture from myspace ,,ilikethispicture bahhh ;))
ciao ~~
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