Monday, December 13, 2010

Uia's internet is gay.

Eh blog,,

College has just started. Baru sehari kat uia I dah homesick gilaa. I cried all night long. Just after the parents and sisters left me, I cried till I went to bed. Teruk weh tahap homesick I.

Just now was our first day at school. Haha mengada. I was able to add all the subjects so I went to all the classes with yOng.

The lecturers are okay so far. Hopefully their marking system is okay too. If not, Imma dead meat.

I was wondering why my close friends didn't wish for my birthday. Why oh why?! Time birthday diorang I was so eksited to stay up till 12am just wanted to be the first person to wish. Sounds so mengada but I'm someone who really alerts with people's birthday. The remembrance that matters kan :)

For those who wished me through phone, I love ya'll till death. For the family, memang sayang habis, with the present (2 bars of chocs) and all :')
And facebookers are ohsem!
Twitters, it was just my lovely asNashrafF and syIra, elmi the elmo and ana. I love diorang.
For those who didn't wish, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Bahaha!



Blogger Shawal Abd. Rashid said...

SENTAP!!! sapa la yang x wish bday ko, kan???
thank God I did.. just like u, nun, aku alert dgn bday org...
tp org x pnah alert ngan bday aku whatsoever...
sobs sobs =(

December 15, 2010 at 2:14 AM 

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