Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Spell it correctly ,LOSER !

Eh blog ,,
I miss my 'short semester friends' so freaking bad :(:(:(
I miss her letting me know if she wants to skip classes
I miss her asking me whether I want to tumpang her or not
I miss her curiousing abt me for being alone in the class
I miss her taking me out for dinner
I miss her asking me out for muviesss
I miss her wanting me to sleep over at her room
I miss ugh EVERYTHING I guess !
God ,why am I being so emotional here ?!
Hmm cause I feel so left out now .ask me why ?yeah ,cause when long sem starts ,everybody will be busy with their own friends .yes ,their friends yang before this didn't take short sem and now they're seeing each otha again after 3months seperated !hahaha
In conclusion ,I'm just their friends when they need me .I'm not their true friends .I know right ,they are using me :(
Hmm I don't mind .I still love you ,dear 'short sem friends' .eventhough we're so close just for few months .hopefully you're gonna miss me when I'M GONE !:-)
eh itu kazu. aku rindu.. dan yang paling penting aku RINDU KAU WAHAI MANUSIA COMEL KU :D
nureeeeeen hari selasa depan iaitu minggu depan bersamaan 20 hb julai adA Meeting ye di hs lt1 pukol 8.30... eh before that on monday aku nak buat meeting kita2 aje...
so sila lah bg no tepon kau ye...aku telah hilang segala2 nya
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