Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sorry I don't have the answer
Eh blog ,,Just now I ikut Fathy and Ika hantar Zety to Terminal Putra lrt station .I was supposed to teman Ida bayar saman dia but then I couldn't stand the heat and straight away answered YES to the offer ;D .suddenly I felt like jumping through out the window once Fathy asked me "you ade boyfriend Nurin ?" .HAHAHA so I didn't answer because it's obvious that I DON'T HAVE ANY raaaiiiteee ?!
And this thing came across my mind .I was thinking what if it happens to me that I have a boyfriend .GOD ,FOR REAL ?! .mesti lah tak kan .agagagagaga :P .I don't know .it's just that I never had a boyfie since errmm oh ever since I was born .macam LOSER gila kan .dah orang tak pandang weh ,nak buat macam mana .HAHA .alaa family I pun bukanlah jenis yang cerita pasal boyfriend semua kan .so tak payah lah nak gelabah lebih kan :P:P
Lepas tu balik bilik terus online nak tengok blog kawan-kawan ada update tak .found one blog ni tell us about her favvy whatevs .usha baik punya then there are pictures macam

boleh tak nak dapat macam ni sweet ?

okay sangat stupid :P
Then I texted yong "yong ,ape dose kalau pegang lelaki ?" Ya Allah ,weird .why on earth did I text her asking those thangs kan ?=S and she replied "Ohh...!! Pegang sapa tuu..??? Emm..Dose sbb pegang bkn muhrim n hukumnye haram. Kmi pnh bace satu ayat ni Allah kata lebih baek kamu tusuk kulit kamu dengan besi panas dari kamu pegang orang yang bukan muhrim" after reading this terus macam tarik balik the intention to have a boyfriend .Oh pengajaran untuk myself mungkin :P .I'm outta here
Aaa... Gmbr yg first nampak menarik dan bersahaja... Gambar kedua nampak macam mengantok jer... Aihhh... Melalut plak dah... haha...
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