Monday, May 11, 2009


I took mak's old phone yestrdy .nobody notices it until dina unpack my stuff in her bag .shiat damn it !pecah tembelang ..huhu
Planned not to tell anyone coz i knw evrybody will freak out but dina spoilt evrythng .so my family will think that imma thief .hell no !i do it once n i got scold by my dad and i'm not doin it nymore :-S

To my family ,,i took the phone bcoz i want to service my sony ericsson .so i'm using mak's phone just to replace with SE sementara tgh service .harap maklum and thankyouuu .

I dnt speak much when i'm with my family .so if you need any explanation ,read my blog .i'll explain .sorry yea(;


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